Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Legendary Pictures Panel

Katey Rich from Cinemablend was live blogging during the Legendary Pictures Panel at Comic-Con.

1:11 Next up, Bradley Cooper for Paradise Lost. He gets much, much bigger cheers than poor director Alex Proyas, but I guess that's how these things go.

1:13 Proyas talks about the Archangel Michael and Adam & Eve fitting into the story, which he admits is "pretty big." They're showing some concept art and a very basic title treatment-- you're probably not surprised to hear that there's a lot of fire and brimstone involved. Take a look below.

1:14 Cooper put together an audition tape in his kitchen to make his pitch to play Lucifer, which he admits was a little crazy to have "the guy from The Hangover playing Lucifer." But given that The Hangover made a ton of money for Legendary, you can kind of see the appeal for the studio.

1:16 Cooper says he thinks of this as a small story about an "intimate nuclear family."

1:18 Boucher asks Cooper what The Hangover has meant to him. "To make two movies was incredible" sounds to me like code for "please don't make us do a third."

1:20 Proyas says the big potential pitfall is avoiding the visual depictions of Paradise Lost that have been done throughout history. Given that this is a story almost literally as old as time, that's a pretty tall order.

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